Mission Not Impossible

The goal is to get my family in a house of our own by Christmas! I've got an imaginary board of directors to help and I'm willing to do whatever is legal and moral to make this happen! If a guy can get a house with "One Red Paperclip," I think I can do it too!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The Price Was Right....

Yes our price was right this time around.  The bank accepted our offer but now we have to coordinate on a closing date.  They want it to be March 23 but our loan officer says it will take the full 60 days.  We don't want to pay that daily penalty of $100 for closing late so we're suggesting the first week in April.  We could officially be in possession of the property before Easter!   I can hardly wait to start posting pictures and let you all in on more of the property details that I've been keeping undercover. 

Bad news is we are pretty sure we can't use the contractor we wanted.  He was waiting to renew his expired license until  we got approval on this project.  The loan officer says he not only would need a current license but also show that he's been actively working - using the license.  Waiting on the license would take an additional couple of weeks we don't have at this point.   It's going to be close on pulling this all off in the 60 days due to all the paperwork and "stuff". 

One cool thing is that perhaps we'll be able to make this work by  the "real Christmas", April 6th. Some theologians  believe Christ was born in the spring because of the shepherds being out in the fields. Not looking for a debate but I thought it was an interesting  and amazing coincidence that according to modern day prophet Joseph Smith the actual day of Christ's birth is April 6th.    I said I wanted a house for Christmas.... and things are coming together not how I imagined it but in a very unique special way. 

Thought you'd all enjoy a head's up and hang in there.... I"m sure we'll have more news a bit more often now that we've agreed on a price :)

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