Mission Not Impossible

The goal is to get my family in a house of our own by Christmas! I've got an imaginary board of directors to help and I'm willing to do whatever is legal and moral to make this happen! If a guy can get a house with "One Red Paperclip," I think I can do it too!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

What would an irresistable price be?

So I know free is the best price but I'm not feeling like we should totally give John's book away for free but what would the magic number be for selling a mega amount?or like my kids would say a bazillion! I'd like to clear a buck a book and Amazon takes a cut as does anyone else selling them as a middle man.

What would you suggest- anywhere between $9.99 to $.99.....

Also what would be the best day to do a great big sale :) ....

Thinking outloud. Sending a review copy to Foodista today....

Gotta go see what great Amazon Vine products I'm being offered today... think they've got a house?

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