Mission Not Impossible

The goal is to get my family in a house of our own by Christmas! I've got an imaginary board of directors to help and I'm willing to do whatever is legal and moral to make this happen! If a guy can get a house with "One Red Paperclip," I think I can do it too!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

A Great Peace...

This morning when I woke up I felt a great peace. The burden of getting our house for THIS Christmas had been lifted and I know we'll be in our house for the next one.  I don't know exactly which house that will be but it will  meet our needs and be a great blessing to my family. 

Yesterday I'd just had enough.  I had a foot massage from a friend of mine and she was finished and doing the "alignment part"  and I wouldn't align.  We had a talk about what I needed to do or let go or think about.  She said I needed to do something for myself.  What would I like to do?  Spend money, read a book, get a house.  I settled on checking a book out of the library and getting my oil changed on my van.  I came home and only had to make dinner for four- we had leftovers.  Well they had leftovers and I fasted.  

I still have a couple of kids to get things for and they're gifts have not been easy or come together.  I mentally threw my hands in the air and said Lord I cast these burdens back to thee.  I have no clue what to do for them and what would be the gifts that they need the most and would appreciate.  I don't know what to do about the house either..... went to bed and woke up with a couple of answers, mainly about the house and where to do today when I'm out and about for a couple of errands.  This feels like a pretty good day- I'm going to go eat.


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