Mission Not Impossible

The goal is to get my family in a house of our own by Christmas! I've got an imaginary board of directors to help and I'm willing to do whatever is legal and moral to make this happen! If a guy can get a house with "One Red Paperclip," I think I can do it too!

Friday, December 23, 2011

An answer of sorts...

Today I got a call from our real estate agent.  I wasn't home at the time but my oldest son asked her if she had good news.  She replied that it was not good news but not bad news either.  I called back and after a little phone tag she got a hold of me.  Finally the offer we'd written was actually being bumped up to management.  No  yes or no at this point but this is the first time they've taken us seriously enough to move forward.  With the holidays they explained that they wouldn't be able to get right back to us.  We understand and like I said the the previous post,

I've just had a great peace about the whole thing.  I'm not worried or flustered or concerned to any degree.  If it's meant to be it'll work out and be good.  If for some reason it doesn't work out it might in the future or we'll move on if needs be.  It's all good and I'm looking forward to Christmas.  At least one of us will be getting a house but no hints to the little ones please.  I"ll post pictures after the big day :)

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