Mission Not Impossible

The goal is to get my family in a house of our own by Christmas! I've got an imaginary board of directors to help and I'm willing to do whatever is legal and moral to make this happen! If a guy can get a house with "One Red Paperclip," I think I can do it too!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Final Board Member- President Thomas S. Monson

I thought long and hard before deciding on this final board member. I thought it would be nice to have another woman, someone like Oprah or Mrs. Fields. I thought of all the people in the world and how many special gifts each of us brings to the plate. I went back and forth many times, adding and crossing off until I reached my final selection, President Thomas S. Monson. President Monson was chosen for many reasons. I read his biography not long ago and was impressed with his leadership and charity towards his fellowman. President Monson already is involved with leading a worldwide church with millions of members. In real life he would in no way be able to serve on my board but since this is an imaginary assignment, I don't think he'd refuse. He tells the best heartwarming stories, has an excellent memory and was an expert in the field of publishing before serving in his current position of prophet, seer and revelator and President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.


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